Friday, December 31, 2004

Message of Gratitude, Hope, & Needling

Origins Part I:

As residents of the wayward "blue" state of Minnesota, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to you, our friends and family, and your neighbors, the people of Oklahoma, Texas, Florida, Missouri, Arkansas, Ohio, and Colorado. Thank you for helping to re-elect George W. Bush--a good man with a compelling vision of a future worth creating, based not on just some hedonistic idea of a freedom to do whatever you please, but a freedom for excellence, whether you are an overweight, left-wing vulgarian, a family man from the heartland, or a burqa-clad woman in the Middle East. Thank you for helping stay the Culture of Death. Thank you for being a witness to hope, a feeling we share that may best be expressed by the picture below. Yes, we know that all of you may not have actually voted for President Bush, but we are confident that if you didn't, then you inspired at least two people to cancel your vote for John Kerry.

God love you and God bless America!

Next up: Preamblin' Along with the Tumblin' Tumbleweeds

The Picture of Hope Posted by Hello

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