Friday, September 30, 2005

Your Tax Dollars at Work for a Healthier America

Memorial of St. Jerome

Here's the truffle quote from the CBS report regarding the USDA's new MyPyramid Blast Off computer game:
Third-grader Saurav Khulal said the game was fun as he played it in the school computer lab. Saurav said he might play it "a little bit" at home, but he prefers games like Pokemon during the half-hour of computer time his parents allow.
Any guesses on how much this little bit of non-subsidiarity cost to develop?


I didn't expect that my Atkins-like diet would get me to "Planet Power," but I was (mildly) surprised by the absence of some of my regular food selections. I wonder what the Egg Board and the strawberry growers think of the game...

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