Tuesday, April 18, 2006

A Most Ridiculous List

Time Magazine has two lists that become the single de facto list of most overrated senators because of the wishy-washy feel-good criterion of "making a difference," no matter how obscure, or dubious, the achievement. Here's their list of the 10 best

Thad Cochran
Kent Conrad
Dick Durbin
Ted Kennedy
Jon Kyl
Carl Levin
Richard Lugar
John McCain
Olympia J. Snowe
Arlen Specter

and 5 freshmen "up and comers"

Barack Obama
Lindsey Graham
Hillary Clinton
John E. Sununu
Mark Pryor

They also have a list of the 5 worst senators that includes our very own Mark Dayton. I am oscillating among three ways to come down on this: 1.) Sen. Dayton is so bad that not even Time Magazine can give him a pass, 2.) Sen. Dayton's not being advanced as one of the best senators because of his courageous stand to close his office in the face of national ridicule only proves what a sham this whole thing is, and 3.) Had Sen. Dayton only claimed he was closing his office because he no longer wanted his staff to be subjected to the concentration camp tactics of a Republican-controlled US Senate, then he clearly would have made the 10 best list.

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