Mr. Finn's drawing a laugh from nearby parents betrays a weakness in our culture. It has become fashionable of late locally to gripe about the high ticket prices for yesterday's Miley Cyrus/alter ego Hannah Montana concert, where scalper's prices reached $200 apiece, as if it's someone else's fault. The modern American parent is its own worst enemy sometimes.No, those are the really spoiled girls.
Brian Finn, of St. Paul, a parent quoted in the Strib when a limousine pulled up to Minneapolis' Target Center and it was asked whether it was Miley Cyrus.
After all, if people, weren't willing to pay it, the price wouldn't stay that high. Ah, but we must do it "for the children," you know, "It's a once in a lifetime opportunity." And that makes those evil ticket scalpers the ones who are, well... evil. Yeah, right.
Of course you could take the whole family to a local corn maze for about the same price as a single, moderately over-priced (two-figures) ticket, have a blast for about five hours, and then go home and watch a Hannah Montana re-run for the 17th time--and have something better to remember and something they'll carry with them for a lot longer. But that would be mean.
If I hear the word "mean" out of my 17 year old daughter's mouth one more time, I'm gonna... go pray some more, I guess. But you know what I'm saying.