Wednesday, January 30, 2008

If the Minnesota Caucus Were Held Yesterday

My father-in-law sent me a link to a quiz at to help compare the various candidates and determine how well they agree with me on some bellweather issues. The overall rating is based on percent agreement, including some weighting, so it doesn't quite take into account things like the importance on the five non-negotiables. I've taken it a few times, adjusting mostly the weighting, but the results have pretty well settled down now and are pretty consistent with how I view the candidates in the main. Of those still in the race, here is the order and % agreement:
1. (tie) Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney - 84.31%
3. Ron Paul - 76.47%
4. John McCain - 72.55%
5. Rudy Giuliani - 61.76%
*** Sidebar
For the record, the candidate with whom I would have been most aligned is Sam Brownback (98.04%). I'd like to see him try for governor of Kansas to get a bit better pedigree as an executive and have another go sometime.
*** End sidebar
So for whom would I have caucused last night? Huckabee. I'd really like to go with Romney, but his incomplete conversion on life prevents it, unless both Huck and Paul drop out before Tuesday. At least that was my thinking as of yesterday afternoon. Giuliani's pending endorsement of McCain and tonight's debate could change that.
[submitted via e-mail]


  1. I'm always a little scared of these quizzes just because I think they can misrepresent someone's views. For whatever reason I tend to *believe* that McCain is better than Romney, despite the fact that I like more of what Romney says in a lot of instances. I think it's that incomplete conversion you mention.

    I don't think Huckabee has much of a chance, though I think for a caucus we can disregard that and vote the way we would like (My opinion is that it is more responsible to vote for the best candidate who can win on election day, unless there is nothing but wretchedness).

  2. I'm always a little scared of these quizzes just because I think they can misrepresent someone's views. For whatever reason I tend to *believe* that McCain is better than Romney, despite the fact that I like more of what Romney says in a lot of instances. I think it's that incomplete conversion you mention.

    I don't think Huckabee has much of a chance, though I think for a caucus we can disregard that and vote the way we would like (My opinion is that it is more responsible to vote for the best candidate who can win on election day, unless there is nothing but wretchedness).



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