Bishop John H. Ricard, S.S.J., Chairman of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on International Policy, expressed USCCB support for the Darfur Peace and Accountability Act in a letter to Rep. Henry J. Hyde, Chairman of the House International Relations Committee and fellow Catholic.
We believe this legislation will give added momentum to the search for a genuine peace in Darfur and relief for its suffering people...
We urge continuing pressure by the international community, including the African Union, on the government in Khartoum and the rebel forces to cease military operations. The restoration of public order is essential so that relief and reconstruction efforts can reach all of the people of Darfur...
We cannot stand idly by while human life is threatened. The United States and the international community can and must do more to end this moral and humanitarian crisis. We hope that passage of the Darfur Peace and Accountability Act will reinforce the urgency of a peaceful solution to the situation in Darfur that has so tragically impacted innocent people...
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