Thursday, September 08, 2005

Bishops Launch DVD to Promote Vocations

[Original posted 5:28 PM, Wednesday, Sep. 7, 2005]

Not just leaving it up to pastors who insist their congregations pray for vocations, the USCCB is releasing this fall "You Could Make a Difference," a 17-minute vocation video and DVD, to assist parishes, youth groups and others interested in promoting vocations.

Consciously embracing the New Evangelization, the video tool is intended to enable parish groups to get the conversation started about vocations. It features four segments that illustrate how priests and religious can serve the needs of the church and includes a brief study guide, available online to facilitate discussion.

Father Mike Schwarte, the pastor in Petersburg, leads two parishes separated by a glacier, and pilots a small plane between them. He tells a compelling story of personal conversion and reflects his delight in bringing the sacraments to people in southeast Alaska.

Father Agustin Mateo, pastor of a Latin American parish in Washington, D.C., shows life in an urban, multi-cultural parish, where Sunday means Mass, religious education, and hospitality. He highlights the strength he draws from the congregation and his belief that he can face anything because God provides for whatever is humanly lacking in him.

Sister Janet Gildea, MD and Sister Peggy Deneweth, RN, Sisters of Charity from Cincinnati, show life in the medical clinic they founded in El Paso, where they practice what they call "poverty medicine." Their work resembles that of the Charity sisters in pioneer days when they helped people along the frontier, they said.

Sister Mary Claudina Sanz, a member of the Oblates of St. Francis, directs the Mary Elizabeth Lange Center Baltimore, a home for troubled young women which is named for the Oblates' founder. Sister Claudina describes girls from the program who go to college and return to help others troubled as they once were. She speaks of her family in Belize where her parents with eight children took in three more who needed a home. At the Mary Elizabeth Lange Center, she provides similar warmth and care for young women.
The DVD runs for $10 each ($15 for the videocassette) and can be ordered through the USCCB Communications Department.


The Curt Jester links to a different (better?) video produced by the Legionaries of Christ and Regnum Christi, and notes that Bishop Clayton has not only panned the Conference's offering, but thinks it will do more harm than good (cap tip: St. Leonard's).

Side Note:

It's about time we see (some? more?) US episcopal presence in the blogosphere.

1 comment:

  1. I want to share with you a new film that is coming out called The Human Experience. It is produced by the same people who brought us the inspiring film on the priesthood, Fishers of Men. After attending the prescreening of
    their latest piece last a few weeks ago, I have been left speechless,awestruck,and deeply moved. The film follows two brothers who travel around the world in search of the meaning of life. It is a true story and has re-opened my eyes to the beauty of life, family, forgiveness, and faith. This is a must see film for everyone and I applaud the young men who have taken up Pope John Paul II's challenge to use the media for the New Evangelization.Grassroots films is having screenings at the following venues:World Youth Alliance-BELGIUM, John Paul the Great University-SAN DIEGO, CA,
    Pope John Paul II Cultural Centre-WASHINGTON DC, (just added-Franciscan University-STEUBENVILLE, OH, Manilla, Philippines,
    London, England. Catholic Underground-NEW YORK, NEW YORK, Chaminade HighSchool, MINEOLA, NY, Ave Maria University, NAPLES, FL.

    THE HUMAN EXPERIENCE is the story of a band of brothers who travel the world in search of the answers to the burning questions: Who am I? Who is Man? What is the meaning of it all? Their journey brings them into the middle of the lives of the homeless on the streets of New York City, the orphans and disabled children of Peru, and the abandoned lepers in the forests of Ghana, Africa. What the young men discover changes them forever. Through one on one interviews and real life encounters, the brothers are awakened to the beauty of the human person and the resilience of the human spirit.
    The Trailer can be viewed here
    The Official Website of the film can be seen here



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