Dear BlogsforTerri friends,
You're probably aware of the controversy that has hit the airwaves concerning the release of two books about Terri Schiavo. Terri's ex-husband, Michael, has published a text he recently affirmed was written to "settle some scores" with Terri's family.
Yesterday, the Schindler's released a provocative book in honor of their daughter that provides a never-before-seen look at Terri's life and death and the societal changes that set the stage for her court ordered dehydration. The book is titled A Life that Matters: the legacy of Terri Schiavo - a lesson for us all and is inscribed with the following dedication:
Dedicated to Terri and to all with disabilities, wounded in body or spiritMay God always be your never ceasing fountain of strength, consolation and joy. May you be seen as our society's greatest treasure.
A Life that Matters is a must read for every supporter of Terri Schiavo as well as critics who have based their opinion on media reports.
Although some judge a book by its cover, many look at real-time sales and popularity as an indicator of public support. Consequently, Br. Paul O'Donnell, the Schindler's spiritual advisor, urges Schindler supporters to purchase their book. "It would make a statement that our society is against the killing of the disabled, is against euthanasia, if , by the grace of God, this could be a NY times best seller," he said. "It would make a profound statement."
We also hope you will stop by BlogsforTerri this week. Last year Terri's brother, Bobby Schindler, gave a poignant speech in Arizona, which he provided to BlogsforTerri. The first three part have been published:
The final section is scheduled for release later this week.
Thank you for reading and continuing to take a stand for life.
The BlogsforTerri Team
[posted by e-mail]
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