The process is fairly simple here for the primaries. Begin with evaluating/disqualifying with respect to the five non-negotiables and with those candidates outside the margin of error (recent poll) from zero in at least one of the leading primary/caucus states to create a short list to measure against secondary criteria, which will include, for starters, a record that demonstrates:
- Meaningful executive, or organizational leadership, experience,
- A compelling American vision to project from the bully pulpit,
- An appreciation of subsidiarity and solidarity,
- A dedication to the proposition and an understanding why governments are instituted among men.
Here are the lists (as I understand the candidates' positions)...
- Hillary Clinton - DQ (at least non-negotiable #1)
- Barack Obama - DQ (1)
- John Edwards - DQ (1)
- Al Gore (unofficial candidate) - DQ (1)
- Joe Biden - DQ (1)
- Chris Dodd - DQ (1)
- Dennis Kucinich - DQ (1)
- Mike Gravel - DQ (1)
- Rudy Giulani - DQ (1)
- Fred Thomspon - TBD
- Mitt Romney - DQ (3 - exploit "leftover" embryos)
- John McCain - DQ (3 - exploit existing lines)
- Newt Gingrich (unofficial) - TBD
- Mike Huckabee - DQ (3 - exploit existing lines)
- Sam Brownback - OK , not better than zero
- Duncan Hunter - OK, not better than zero
- Ron Paul - OK, not better than zero
- Tom Tancredo - TBD, not better than zero
Note: I've deleted Jim Gilmore and Tommy Thompson because their campaigns are no longer active.
Makes for a very short list and not much to get excited about, yet...
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