Monday, March 26, 2012

7 Quick Takes

7 Quick Takes Friday

I know, I know. You don't want to make a bad first impression, and here I am, being late with my first ever 7 Quick Takes. I've heard it all before: Punctuality ___________ (is a common courtesy, is a sign of respect, shows how interested you are, etc.). Whatever. My retort is this:
Punctuality is the virtue of the bored  - Evelyn Waugh
Get over it, and here goes...

On the heels of last week's religious liberty rallies, oral arguments on Obamacare are set to run  before the Supreme Court Monday thru Wednesday, so there's little doubt what will dominate the news this week. So this round is focused on seven things for the individual to do about Obamacare (of which the HHS mandate is a part).

Justice Anthony M. Kennedy in 2009 (CNS photo/Reuters)
Pray for the justices of the US Supreme Court to have wisdom (and use it). You would hope that with six Catholics on the bench this would be a walkover for overthrowing the law based on the principle of subsidiarity alone, but a 5-4 vote swinger is almost certain.

Check out resource sites for reference information on Obamacare and the HHS mandate like the USCCB and the Minnesota Catholic Conference.
Read and consider signing the Manhattan Declaration and the Stop HHS Mandate petition.

Join the Rosary Across America 54-day novena prayer movement.

Contact your state and federal representatives' offices to let them know your opposition to Obamacare and the HHS mandate.

Support candidates who will oppose the implementation of Obamacare. At the federal levels, that would be candidates who are committed to its repeal. At the state level, those who advocate nullification. If you're not sure, ask.
Rick Santorum in 2011 (Gage Skidmore photo)

On Friday, the bishops of Iowa joined those of Pennsylvania in declaring Friday, March 30th, as a day of fasting, prayer, and abstinence for the cause of religious liberty. Sunday, from the pulpit, we were instructed that St. Paul and Minneapolis will also participate, as will I expect the rest of the Minnesota conference and much of the nation. Regardless your local church's level of involvement, you can join certainly your prayers and fasting to others' across the country.

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